Alcoholic Parents: Understanding the Impact on Children and How to Seek Help

Always come from a place of love and understanding when you speak to your parent about alcohol addiction. Forcing your parent into treatment is never a good idea, despite the danger their drinking causes. For example, your parent might be willing to accept treatment in a facility located in another city. By helping your parent explore additional treatment options, you can reassure them that they’ll receive the professional help they need to stop drinking and achieve sobriety. Encouraging your parent to seek addiction treatment is a significant step towards recovery.

how to deal with alcoholic parent

Treatment Options for an Alcoholic Parent

how to deal with alcoholic parent

The constant lying, manipulation, and harsh parenting makes it hard to trust people. It also leaves you highly sensitive to criticism and conflict. You work hard, always trying to prove your worth and make others happy. Your needs must be met consistently in order for you to feel safe and develop secure attachments. Alcoholic families are in “survival mode.” Usually, everyone is tiptoeing around the alcoholic, trying to keep the peace and avoid a blow-up. Although it can be challenging to stay close to alcoholic parents, it’s essential to keep in touch.

Signs Your Parent is an Alcoholic

Various treatment programs can provide a private and convenient solution. Your parent might be hiding their substance abuse from other family members. Although you don’t want to make them uncomfortable, you want to show them that other family members can support them during this difficult time. Having a parent who drinks can be very painful and confusing. Your parent may have promised to stop drinking time and time again, but they never do.

how to deal with alcoholic parent

You have a higher risk of developing AUD yourself

how to deal with alcoholic parent

Terms such as “alcoholic,” “alcoholism,” and “alcohol abuse” are generally terms we avoid using in the articles we publish at American Addiction Centers (AAC). Stigmatizing language, like this, can create a negative bias, perpetuate the view that addiction is a moral failing—and not a medical disease—and adversely impact treatment retention. Professional counselors are a trustworthy resource for handling your parent’s mental health and substance abuse treatment. Credentialed medical providers specializing in addiction can create a personalized treatment program to address the root of your parent’s alcoholism. There are, however, many options that you can take for yourself.

how to deal with alcoholic parent